A sonoridade de uma canção e o assunto da sua letra nem sempre andam de mão dada.
O exemplo mais paradigmático que conheço é o da canção "As The Footsteps Die Out Forever" da saudosa e mítica banda ska-punk de New Jersey, os Catch 22, presente no seu primeiro disco "Keasbey Nights" (1998), o único gravado com Thomas Kalnoky na voz e na composição das letras.
Ouvi esta música durante anos sem prestar atenção ao tema da letra e só passado muito tempo me apercebi de como uma música tão feel good tinha por trás uma história tão triste, demasiado triste e tocante até para se poder voltar a ouvir esta canção da mesma forma.
O exercício que proponho, independentemente do tipo de som ou da lírica do "poema" ser ou não da preferência dos caros leitores, passa por ouvir a música uma primeira vez sem ligar à letra, deixando que a melodia fale por si. A seguir, voltar a ouvi-la e acompanhar a letra e a história que conta, que é simples de perceber e que se baseia na experiência real do vocalista.
The kids were almost home
The kids were on their way
back home from school
lying face down in the gutter
of unaccomplished dreams and broken memories
of things to come
"Sorry ma'am I really am,
Had to break the news
I had to make the phone call to tell you
that you're due you know where
I'll tell you when and I suggest you start living
these next three weeks the best way that you can"
Every night for three long weeks
she'd roam the hallways half asleep
and as the footsteps fade away
in my mind
I could swear
I could swear
I heard her say
"Don't wait for me I've got a lot to do
I've got a lot to be and in the end
maybe I'll see you there."
Lost strength on a Saturday
spent the day in bed
"yeah, I'm fine. it's just the flu"
she said with a smile
but when they turned their backs
the tears would flow
she knew she only had a while
to live(to breath)
to be (to see)
to bleed, to stand
on her own two weakened feet
and so I pray everyday
"don't take my mother away"
every night for three long weeks
she'd roam the hallways half asleep
and as the footsteps fade away in my mind
I could swear
I could swear
I heard her say
"don't wait for me I've got a lot to do
I've got a lot to be and in the end
maybe I'll see you there."
every night for three long weeks
she'd roam the hallways half asleep
and as the footsteps fade away in my mind
I could swear
I could swear
I heard her say
"Don't wait for me I've got a lot to do.
I've got a lot to be
But in the end maybe I'll see you there
and in the end you know I'll see you there
and in the end I'll see you there"
don't wait for me I've got a lot to do
I've got a lot to be and in the end
maybe I'll see you there
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